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Indexing of CDR3 vectors

To efficiently find similar CDR3s in large datasets, their vectors can be indexed. These indexes store a compact approximation of the vector space (e.g. using clustering, search trees, etc) that can be used to reduce the search scope and quickly – but approximately – retrieve nearest neighbours for a given input query.


Practically, the wide range of possible indexes can be imported from raptcr.indexing module. These classes all follow the same steps:

  1. Initialize the index.

    Constructing the index is fairly straightforward, you just have to pass it the data and hasher object you want to use.

     # import necessary components
     from raptcr.readers import read_AIRR
     from raptcr.hashing import Cdr3Hasher
     from raptcr.indexing import FlatIndex
     # read in data and create hasher
     data = read_AIRR("airr_example.tsv")
     hasher = Cdr3Hasher().fit()
     # initialize index and add data
     index = FlatIndex(hasher=hasher)
  2. Search the constructed index

     knn_result = index.knn_search(query_seqs, k=5)

    This generates a KnnResult object containing the search result. The k nearest neighbours for a specific query sequence can be extracted as follows:

     [('CASSITPGQGTDEQYF', 0.0),
     ('CASGITPGQGTDEQYF', 8.944272),
     ('CASSATPGQGRDTQYF', 15.6205),
     ('CASSLPGQGTEQYF', 15.748015),
     ('CASITGPTGNEQYF', 16.370705)]

    This list in the format [(seq, distance), ...] contains the k CDR3 sequences closest to the query in terms of the L2 (euclidean) distance between their respective vector representations.

    Alternatively, the generated distance and index matrices can be accessed as attributes via knn_result.D and knn_result.I.

Available indexes

Class name Explanation Hyperparams
FlatIndex Flat index for Euclidean distance, implemented using Faiss. None
IvfIndex Inverted file index implemented using Faiss. This uses a rough k-means clustering to group the vectors in centroids. At query time, only a subset of these centroids are probed. n_centroids, n_probes
HnswIndex Index using hierarchical navigable small networks, implemented using Faiss. n_links
PynndescentIndex Uses PyNNDescent for approximate nearest neighbours descent. k, diversify_prob, pruning_degree_multiplier

More information on the different indexes available in Faiss can be found here.

Example : Querying the VDJdb
